Capability Integration / Supplier Assist – Advisory Services

Our clients have explicitly told us that they do not want to be sold to, which is why we do not employ a sales team. We believe this is unique to our industry and reflects our engineering first, engineering always, culture. Our engineers are Modern Solutionz gold.

Modern Solutionz strength is our expertise in IT Security, and we remain highly focused on our core products and solutions, but we are also in the business of bringing our clients the most relevant information available.

This is why we engage with our team of technical advisors (engineers) that we’ve worked with in the past and we trust. Simply put, our customers may not have enough time to navigate all the possible hardware and software solutions available without some assistance. By collaborating with our advisors, we can educate the technology buyer, so that when they are ready to purchase, they have the relevant information to make an informed decision.

Most importantly, with coordination between our engineers and our advisors, we have a far happier partnership with our clients.

So yes, we give advice, just like a financial advisor, and we will get paid by the suppliers so there is no cost to our clients.

WAN Capabilities

⦁ Network as a Service
⦁ Network Operations
⦁ WAN Optimization
⦁ Meshed Resiliency
⦁ Bandwidth Aggregation
⦁ Zero-Trust Architecture
⦁ System Orchestration

Security Capabilities

⦁ Security as a Service
⦁ Security Operations
⦁ Perimeter Security
⦁ Centralized Visibility
⦁ Zero-Trust
⦁ Threat Remediation

